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Nov. 27, 2023


Nov. 27, 2023 words

8 billions people, 8 billions personality.


Nov. 14, 2023

Choosing Programming Language

Nov. 14, 20232 min read282 words

There are hundreds if not thousand of programming languages and it can be really difficult or rather confusing to choose among them.


Oct. 23, 2023

Reading Code or Writing Code

Oct. 23, 20231 min read214 words

Two of the advice, you hear from experienced programmers.


Oct. 18, 2023

A Personal Website

Oct. 18, 20232 min read305 words

Having a personal website can be very useful for so many people.


Jan. 15, 2022

Checklist for Choosing A Software

Jan. 15, 20221 min read3 words

Many of us when choosing a software, we just choose it. Some of our choices are based on what other people are using, what is installed by default or anything that works.


July 25, 2021

It Took Me Almost 9 Hours to Install Debian 10

July 25, 20213 min read532 words

It took me almost 9 hours to install Debian 10. But why?


Dec. 03, 2020

Guide on Switching from Windows to Linux

Dec. 03, 20206 min read993 words

What are the changes you notice immediately when switching from Windows to a Linux distro?


Nov. 20, 2020

Nostalgic Evening

Nov. 20, 20202 min read315 words

Nostalgia makes you sometime sad, sometime happy, sometime makes you feel how blessed you are and sometime the opposite.


Nov. 13, 2020

This Week was Crazy

Nov. 13, 20202 min read359 words



Oct. 17, 2020

Code Editors

Oct. 17, 20201 min read239 words

A good code editor is like a good friend. So, choosing a good editor is very important.