Published: November 14, 2023
Modified: February 28, 2024
Duration: 2 min
Words: 282
There are hundreds if not thousand of programming languages and it can be really difficult or rather confusing to choose among them. In this guide, I will try to give some general thoughts that will help you to choose a language.
And yes, there is not single best language. Depending on context, some languages are preferred over others due to various reasons we will see later in this blog.
What programming language you should learn always depends on factors like
When you are new to programming and looking for a language to learn, just take a course on programming and learn whatever language they are teaching. Typically people use Python or JavaScript for beginner programmer.
After that you need to ask you a question that is in what field you will be working on. And that leads to the second point.
Let's discuss some of fields.
Web. It is generally easy to get into. Language includes JS for fronted. For backend, you can learn Python, JS etc.
AI. Python is dominant language in AI. Also CPP, Lisp are used too.
System. C, CPP, Rust etc. Recently Rust is gaining a lot of popularity.
Security. Assembly, C, Python etc.
Competitive Programming. At most platform all major languages are available. But few only supports CPP, Java and Python. The default choice for many is CPP. Also Python may result in TLE on many questions.
You may choose language based on your preference.
Your criteria may include