Md Sujauddin Sekh's profile pic

Md Sujauddin Sekh

Software Engineer and Indie Developer

My name is Sujauddin, and I am a software engineer and indie developer. Still, I currently serve as a Python Intern, working on full-stack Django projects. In my personal capacity, I am developing SaaS solutions in domains such as education and productivity. Throughout my career, I have contributed to and developed several open-source software projects.

Primary Interests
  • Software Engineering and System Design
  • Building SaaS Solutions
  • Privacy and Security

Too know more please visit my resume page.


Signal: @sujaudd1n.01

Email: ssujj protonmail com (PGP key: B666 C686 3E6D B6A3 F4AD 47EE 7DD4 E802 3CF4 66BA)



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