Who is Tyler Durden?

To understand what or who he is, we first have to understand who Tyler Durden is not. After that we will see who he is.

He is not

  • Brad Pitt
  • Creator of fight club
  • He has nothing to do with the movie fight club.

Tyler Durden is you. Yes, that's correct it's you. It's all about you.

Look at your life. Look at the world. Look at your surroundings. Look inside of you. You will see pain, suffering, despair, shame, lust, corruption, fear, willing to great things, willing to suffer etc and Tyler Durden (TD) is the perfect version of yourself that faces all of those things efficiently.

TD is what you truly want to be in this chaotic world.

To be TD you don't have to create a fight club, you don't have to be in a fight club, don't have to smoke, don't have to be muscular or anything that movie shows.

To be TD you have to do what you really want to do. And I hope it's good.

Let's rename this phenomenon and instead of called it Tyler Durden, call it the real me.

For me to be Tyler I have to do what I truly want from heart. And that's unique to me. For you to be TD, only you knows those things.

Much of our pain comes from not focusing much on ourselves. Maybe I'm busy looking at outside of my life, instead of living my life fullest I'm making myself suffer.

Just when you truly realize you are free within the will of God, you have become the real yourself. and I hope your TD does good things.